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Parshas Chayei Sara

~ One Hundred Words on the Parsha - Chayei Sorah

Why did Eliezer go to find a wife for Yitzchak instead of Yitzchak going himself? One answer can be that a chosson is not supposed to go out without a shomer. Since Choron was far away and there may not have been many people along the road, Yitzchak did not want to have to travel back home with his kallah.

Only B’Simcha Parshas Chayei Sorah

"ותתכס" Rivka covered herself when she met Yitzchak.

Rashi compares the word grammatically to ותקבר and ותשבר. The Sadigura Rebbe explains that Rashi specifically chose these two words because there are three times in life when people gather to honor another person. 1) at the time of birth (קידוש or ברית) 2) at the time of death (לויה) and 3) at the חתונה. At the times of birth and death, a person is not conscious of the honor. However, at the wedding, the honor might make a person arrogant. There must be a reminder of modesty even at times of the greatest simcha.

Bais Aharon

All learning should be a zechus for a refuah shelaimah for Yosef Ezriel Ben Chaya Michal