Parshas Toldos
Chazal explain that Avrohom’s “kidneys became like wells that provided him with Torah”.
R’ Moshe Feinstein was asked why Avrohom didn’t got to learn by Shem and Ever. R’ Moshe answered that Avrohom was greater in learning than them.
From R’ Nosson Wachtfogel on his Yahrtzeit
After losing the ברכות of יצחק אבינו to יעקב, עשו cried and was therefore זוכה to acquire הר שעיר. What was so meritorious about this crying? R’ Nosson Wachtfogel explains that people have to appreciate the good things that they have. Denigrating them causes one to lose them. עשו denigrated the בכורה when he sold it to יעקב (ויבז עשו את הבכורה) and therefore, lost the ברכות that came because of the בכורה. When he cried, he was realizing the value of the בכורה and was rewarded for that.
All learning should be a zechus for a refuah shelaimah for Yosef Ezriel Ben Chaya Michal